
Instant Barricading Car
Our security barrier is fully automactic in putting out and pulling back the barrier fence. Only one to two persons (excluding the driver) are required to complete the task. The task can be completed within 5 minutes. Maximum fence length is 75 meters.



Usage Description:
The front car hauls the tail car to designated site; opening its tailgate and setting up the barrier with a total length of 60M~75M. After the setup, the front car can leave immediately. Shall the riot site be too broad to be fully blocked by one IRPBC, more IRPBCs can be used to achieve the best controlling aim.

Withdraw: Front car pushes the tail car backwards making the razor barbed tape/wire to go back to the tail car automatically without any man-help until the tailgate has been put back to place.
Operation is fast and easy. It is indeed a great and up to date mobile barricading product.



  1. 尾車牽引至佈放區時,由隨車人員將運輸安全卡榫放開,並將操控導線放置駕駛艙內。

  2. 尾車佈放時由駕駛員操控佈放導線,當刺網架離開撥網滑軌後立即將操控導線拉回空檔,車速則保持於十公里以下。

  3. 放網直至警告器響為止立即停車,大約1分鐘過程。

  4. 尾車放網時由駕駛主控,隨車人員則觀察展網情況及負責維持現場淨空。



  1. 收網時尾車兩側六樘側蓋門必須掀開。

  2. 收網時由駕駛員將操控導線推入動力檔,倒車將刺網收回,隨車人員則於尾車兩側檢查刺網是否有損壞、重疊、雜物等情事加以修正並迅速將刺網歸位,並於網架收上滑軌時將操控導線拉回空檔,將框架移至尾車上固定,扣上運輸安全卡榫方才完成作業,並以為下次出任務之準備作業。

  3. 收網後尾車兩側六樘側蓋門蓋上,大約5分鐘過程。

Areas of Use:
  Forms a security barrier for National Defense, protest & riot control, coastline defense against enemy army, barricade for accident sites, and blockage for road construction, or important entrances & exits, etc.
Product Characteristics and Advantages:

Easy and fast to operate, only 1~2 men are required to set up and withdraw the barrier fence, which saves on the human resource.

No presence of any mechanical power, electricity, battery, which prevents possible mechanical problems caused by mechanical breakdown, or battery shortage. In addition to that, it also prevents rioters from setting up fires by damaging the mechanical parts, battery, etc., and thus eliminates the safety concerns.



High mobility. Set up& withdraw can be done in 3~5 minutes. Besides, the front car can haul any tail car. Tail car and front car can be separated, this way, the usage value of the vehicle will not be limited to only a forever-attached vehicle.

Razor Barbed Tape/Wire:height of approx. 1.7M, width of approx. 1.6M. After setting up, forming a barricading wall. With its razor-sharp ends, it prevents rioters to make physical contact with this razor-sharp barrier-fence, thus achieving its barricading aim.

High barricading value. Suitable for sudden or planned riots and protests, minimizing damages and lost caused to the government and entrepreneurs, as well as to individuals, both financially and physically.


設計/ 維護 :  網路線上

星僑企業股份有限公司  •  TEL:07-3736668  •  FAX:07-3736669
地址:(814)高雄市仁武區仁武工業區工業二路23號  •